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The beats per minute, in an adult can range from 50 to 100 bpm. On average though, adult males have a heart rate of 70 bpm.

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Q: Whats a normal heart beat for a male age of 36 years old?
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It depends on if the rate is in the activity conditions its normal but if it is in the conditions of rest you should have a tachicardia

What rate normal heart beat should be in one minute?

A normal heart beat should be somewhere between 60-100 beats per minute.

Average heart beat of an adult female?

A normal heart beat for an adult female is 60 to 100 beats.

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A penguin's normal resting heart-beat is about 60-70 beats per minute

Why heart beat 72 times in one minute?

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I am 7 weeks pregnant and my baby's heart beat is only 86 is that normal?

A normal heart beat is suppose to be from 120-180 around that time. When i go to the doctors my babys heart beat was always about 150. I would ask you're doctor sweetey! Good luck