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Q: What's an all natural product that keeps immune system strong?
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The natural resistance to disease is from what system in your body?

the immune system

What is an overly strong reaction of the immune system to a foreign system?

An allergy

What is the body's natural disease fighting system called?

The immune system

What were bitter tonics used for?

What were bitter tonics used for? Naturally boost your immune system Keeping the immune system strong will protect us, but a weak one increases our vulnerability for illness. The immune system is a combination of cells and proteins that assists in the ability to fight (resist) foreign substances such as viruses and harmful bacteria. The liver, spleen, thymus, bone marrow and lymphatic system are interconnected in the immune system's normal function. The immune system is also involved in the daily maintenance and repair of tissue. There are a number of natural remedies and therapies designed to help boost the immune system.

Can you have a strong immune system with a bad lifestyle?

Yes. I am 9 stone, age 13, and I have an impossibly strong immune system. Mainly because when I was younger, I had VERY heavy chicken pox. (The doctor said it was the worst case he had ever seen) That put my immune system up strongly.

What are the body's natural defenses?

the immune system the 1st line is the skin an if anything gets in then the immune system takes over and fights the germs.

Which Body system that protects the body from viruses and diseases?

Your immune system :D If we must have protection against diseases, a strong immune system is paramount for wellness and preventative healthcare it the answer was helpfulll write me a message' :D The Immune System.

What is the other name of immune system?

natural resistance natural defense antibodies body protector ?

What do you do if your immune system is lowered?

Take an immune boosting vitamin or tonic, see a pharmacist or a natropath to get one suitable to your needs, however Fusion astra 8 is quite a good natural product also ethical nurtients makes a good immune boost as well hope this helps

This nutrient is needed for a healthy immune system and strong connective tissue?


What nutrient is needed for a healthly immune system and strong connective tissue?


The ability not succumb to disease?

Resilient; strong immune system (or immunity)