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Rhinos all have hindgut digestion, meaning they have one stomach. Much of the nutrient value of the vegetable matter they ingest is absorbed through the walls of the large intestine, which is not particularly efficient. So, rhinos need to eat a great deal of food so their systems can get enough nutrients. Much of what they eat passes through the system without thorough digestion; many plants are difficult to process. Also, white rhinos and Indian rhinos have different systems from Sumatran and black rhinos, because their diets are different. The former rhinos eat grass, while the latter species eat browse, which is picked by the upper lip, picking food, including longer grasses, but also fruits, leaves, thorns, etc. Rhino digestion seems to be pretty rugged, as they can tolerate difficult foods, some of which are poisonous for other animals or man. A great part of any rhino's day is spent located and chewing up dinner. (Much of that activity happens at night, which is cooler in the habitats of the present rhino populations of the world.)

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