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mIU means "million International Units". It is a standard unit of measure often seen in medical/pharmacological applications. Generally, seeing this in relation to pregnancy tests, it's often something about how much hormone is in a urine or blood sample. Nowadays a urine test can detect hcg when it has reached a level of between 25-50 "parts per million (international units)".

If you think about it like tiny microscopic little drops, then you could think of it as: if the sample taken (or absorbed) equals a million microscopic drops---then 45 of those drops are hcg and the rest is just regular urine waste. Well that would be a strong enough concentration for a lot of tests to detect it.

So if one says it can detect at 25 and the other says it can detect at 100, then the one that says 25 is much more sensitive and can detect hcg sooner. Hope that makes sense. It's just all about concentration levels of hormones. :-)

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