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The best way to get it out of the system is to stop using it.

If you carry on using it, then you cant get it out of your system either.

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Q: Whats the Best way to get THC out of your blood system?
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Whats the fastest way to get thc out of your blood?

Some ways to get THC out of your system more quickly is to buy a specialized detox kit, drink plenty of cranberry juice, or simply drink plenty of water. THC in the blood generally is gone after some hours due to metabolism but remains in other aspects of the body, such as urine.

Is there THC in my system and will I fail?

If you have smoked marijuana recently there is THC in your system. Whether you will fail a blood test depends on how much you smoked and how recently.

How does blood test show as THC levels or what?

From your blood, a test can reveal the amount of THC is in that sample. from that they run it through a ratio to find the amount in your overall system.

Can THC be found in your blood system after a year of not using?

No. Generally it is completely out of your system after 30 days.

Plasma donating THC does donating plasma clean out THC in your system?

No it will not 'clean" the THC from your system. Plasma is the portion of your blood that will absorb active THC and wastes after it has been metabolized. Donating plasma only removes a small portion of your total plasma. In Canada a plasma donation is ~450mL and your body has anywhere from 6 to 8 liters of blood at any given time. You will lower the concentration of the THC in your system but not by a significant amount.

What antibiotics can help clean THC out of your system?

THC isn't alive, antibiotics wouldn't do anything except kill your white blood cells.

Does beer clean THC out of blood?

Beer does not clean THC out of blood. THC can stay in the body for weeks depending on the person.

Does bissy tea clean your system?

No because thc is fat solible. Which means when thc enters the body it flows into the blood system then onto your body's fat cells. Only way to really clear your system is to exercise and sweat it out.

Best way to get marijuana out of your system?

mastaurbatiing increases testosterone and estergen this combats THC

What products take out the THC out of your system since it's legal now.?

If you are worried about having THC in your body, it's best not to get it INTO your body in the first place.

How long does it take THC to leave your blood?

Depending on how much your intake of THC is. If your intake of THC is a couple times a week it will stay for about 3-4 weeks. If you only smoked once it would stay in your system for 48 hours.

Can you donate when THC in your system?

If you are an illegal drug user or indeed receiving prescribed medicines, you should NOT donate blood.