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You can choose from a number of alternative treatments for your low Back pain. Because many of these treatments are new or not yet well researched, they may not be covered by health insurance. Spinal manipulation is likely to help both acute and chronic low back pain in the short-term, but probably no more than other treatments such as physical therapy, exercise, or pain medicine.

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Q: What's the best aid for lower back pain?
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What is the difference between lower and upper back pain treatment?

Lower back pain treatment can mean anything from massages to medicine. Some medicines such as advil will help ease the pain. Some people also get massages to mollify discomfort.

If I go to the clinic is there a treatment that would stop my lower back pains for good?

The best way to treat a lower back pain is to visit a chiropractic and address your pain, also if the problem is just present when applying stress to the lower back a good solution is to stretch and move as soon as the pain starts to relieve the stress on the lower back.

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The following are some best lifting techniques to avoid lower back pain; starting in the safe position by standing close to the object, avoid lifting from a standing position with waist bend or locked knees and maintaining the natural lower curve at the back.

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To help relieve lower back pain an orthopedic seat cushion is best because it keeps your body aligned, giving you better posture.They are easy to transport to home and to work or outdoors.

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Back pain lower right side causes are: Lower back and kidney disorders.

What is the best medication for lower back pain?

Vicodin or any other harsh pain medication. Medical marijuana is great for it though and is far less dangerous then any pill. Simple massage and regular exercise for lower back keep the lower back pain away.

Does your lower back hurt when you are pregnant?

Very often lower back pain is a part of pregnancy. But if you just have lower back pain, it doesn't necessarily mean you are pregnant.

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Referred pain is perceived in the lower back but is caused by inflammation elsewhere--often in the kidneys or lower abdomen.

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Does heavy lifting cause lower back pain?

Heavy lifting does not have to lead to lower back pain if done properly. It is also beneficial to do lower back strengthening excerises regularly if one knows that the lifting will be done on a regular basis. It is best to bend down and lift the package as one straightens up to avoid the strain on the lower back.