

Whats the proper age to train your puppy?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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I just got a Yorkshire Terrier. He was only 7 weeks old when we got him. When he was just 8 weeks old we started training him to walk on the lead. When we took him to the park he wouldn't budge a bit so we started pulling him just a tiny bit across the path. It helps if you have a ball so they can start running towards it and they start walking. My Yorkshire Terrier Alfie is now 12 weeks old and he starts eating the lead so we tap his nose and say no and he starts learning not to eat the lead. Some puppies take control of the lead and start dragging. I pull them back at the side of you. They soon learn not to drag. My Yorkshire terrier is very friendly towards other dogs including Alsatians and Dalmatian's. 1 year ago my Miniature Schnauzer had to be put down because he had Canine Epilepsy. To make sure your dog does not have it you have to check on your dog in case of any signs of fits. After a fit they sometimes don't have a clue who you are or where they are so try not to scare them. My little Yorkshire terrier SOMETIMES goes out on our back garden and does his business but sometimes inside in our kitchen. Rubbing the dogs nose in it does not work! You just have to tap his nose again and say no. They eventually learn not to when they are a bit older than 12 weeks. The proper age to train your puppy is 9 WEEKS OLD. If they are too young they won't understand what you are doing and they will not learn by that.

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