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ADP + iP ----- ATP

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Q: When ADP molecules gain phosphates do they become ATP molecules?
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When ATP molecules gain phosphates they become ATP molecules?

yes ADP + iP ----- ATP

How many phosphates do ADP?

ADP has two phosphate groups while ATP has three. When one phosphate breaks off of the three it the remaining two become ADP.

Are ATP and mitochondria alike?

ATP and ADP are have similar structures the only difference is ATP has 3 phosphates and ADP has only 2 phosphates.

How does ADP differ ATP?

The biggest difference between ATP and ADP is that ADP contains 2 phosphates. ATP contains 3 phosphates. ADP means adenine di-phosphate and ATP means adenine tri-phosphate.

How does ATP differ from ADP?

The biggest difference between ATP and ADP is that ADP contains 2 phosphates. ATP contains 3 phosphates. ADP means adenine di-phosphate and ATP means adenine tri-phosphate.

What molecule is produced in the mitochondria and has energy stored in its bonds?

There are thousands of molecules that fit this description. The primary biochemical Cellular [mitochondria based production] Energy Transfer molecules are Adp and Atp - Adenosine di- and tri-phosphates.

What is ATP with out a third phosphate group?

ADP. ATP = adenosine triphosphate (the last part means 'three phosphates', that's the 'tri' bit). ADP = adenosine diphosphate ('two phosphates', 'di' = two).

How is ATP different from ADP?

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a multifunctional nucleotide that is most important as a "molecular currency"of intracellular energy transfer. Adenosine diphosphate (ADP), a nucleotide, is an important part of photosynthesis and glycolysis. ADP can be converted into ATP and is also the low energy molecule. ATP is the breakdown of food molecules. ATP is high energy bond as compared to ADP. ATP has three phosphate bonds and ADP has two phosphate bonds. Rest of the structure is common to both.

How do ADP and ATP differ in the number of phosphate molecules?

ADP have two phosphate molecules and ATP have three phosphate molecules in it.

What is the role of ATP in an catalobic reaction?

ADP reduces when involved in a catabolic reaction and gains an extra phosphate group, becoming ATP (three phosphates), a molecule with more chemical energy stored than ADP (two phosphates).

ADP molecules on the surface of actin serve as active sites for the formation of cross bridges with molecules of?

ATP not ADP binds to actin-myosin and is cleaved by to ADP.

In which structure, ATP or ADP, is more energy stored?

ATP because it is stored in the third phosphate and ADP only has two phosphates.