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Q: When Abraham Lincoln argued that the country was weakened by?
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In running for senate Abraham Lincoln argued that the country was weakened by?

Compromises over slaver

And running for Senate Abraham Lincoln argued that the country was weakened by what?

compromises over slavery

What groups of people did Abraham Lincoln believe were covered in the Declaration of Independence?

Abraham Lincoln believed that all peoples were covered by the Declaration of Independence. He argued that if Blacks could be excluded then other people could also be excluded. In that situation, Lincoln argued that no group was safe.

During the Lincoln-Douglas debates what position did Abraham Lincoln take?

Lincoln argued that it was wrong to decide whether to allow slavery in a state or territory by voting

What position did Abraham Lincoln take on slavery during the Lincoln-Douglas debates?

Lincoln argued that it was wrong to decide whether to allow slavery in a state or territory by voting

What are Abraham Lincoln major contributions?

Abraham Lincoln led our country in the civil war to help free slaves. he argued about the spread of salver in a series of seven debates called the Lincoln-Douglas debates. They were held in seven different towns in Illinois, including Charlestown.

During the Lincoln-Douglas debates which positions did Abraham Lincoln take?

Lincoln argued that it was wrong to decide whether to allow slavery in a state or territory by voting

What was the most fomous president of the US?

This could be argued as many of the presidents, but the most famous are probably George Washington, then Abraham Lincoln, arguably.

What did Abraham Lincoln do that caused North Carolinians to feel betrayed?

Initially the North Carolinian Unionists supported the Union and argued against secession. However, their arguments depended on Lincoln not attacking the Confederate states. After the battle of Fort Sumter, North Carolina Unionists felt Lincoln had betrayed them by the attack.

What did Abraham Lincoln come out of retirement to run for senator of Illinois?

He came out of retirement due to his weighing in on the Dred Scott decision. He argued that the Constitution did not affirm a right to own slaves and that there was a conspiracy to extend slavery into the territories.

Lincoln argued against the spread of slavery but he did not call for?


In the shames of the cities Lincoln steffens argued that people need to...?

In the shame of the cities, Lincoln Steffens argued that people needed to care about the common good even if they were doing well personally.