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According to Apollo 12's Lunar Pilot Capt. Alan Bean's interview with Andrew Chaiken in the book A Man on the Moon, the flag that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin placed on the moon in 1969 did, in fact, blow over when the lunar module Eagle left the surface of the moon. I have not read any other confirmations of this statement.

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Q: When Apollo took off from the moon wouldn't it have blown the flag away?
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Where is the flag on the moon?

There are six flags on the moon. Apollo 11's flag is on Mare Tranquillitatis Apollo 12's flag is on Oceanus Procellarum Apollo 14's flag is on Frau Mauro Apollo 15's flag in in the Hadley-Apennines Apollo 16's flag is on Descartes Apollo 17's flag is on Taurus-Littrow None of these flags are visible by even the best telescopes available due to limitations of resolution.

What Apollo put a flag on the moon?

Each of the six Apollo missions planted a flag in the moon's surface.

Did Apollo 11 astronauts really place a pink flag on the moon?

no! it was an American flag!

Did US leave a flag on the moon?

Yes a US flag was left in Tranquility bay by the Apollo astronauts.

Is the american flag still on the moon?

There are several American flags on the moon. Each Apollo mission to land on the Moon deployed a flag. The Apollo 11 flag was placed close to the lander and may have been damaged by the ascent stage liftoff. Subsequent flags were placed further away to avoid such damage. The Apollo 15 flag is often featured in videos that hoax theorists purport show it "waving in the wind".

Where is the US flag that can never fly in the breeze?

The one planted on the Moon by the Apollo astronauts.

Why is the auburn flag on the moon?

Because Ken Mattingly, who graduated from Auburn, was on the Apollo team.

Why do they said Apollo mission is fake?

Many say it is a fake as the flag on the moon is waving when there is no wind there.

Was the flag on the moon moved?

Yes. It was manufactured on Earth, then carried to the moon and erected there by Apollo astronauts.

When was the date of when the flag on the moon?

Sunday 20th July, 1969 - the day of the first Apollo landings.

How American flag fly in the moon though moon has no air reference NASA photos?

If you look closely at the flag, you can see a rod going through the top of the flag, which holds the flag up. On Apollo 12, the upper rod would not hold and their flag hangs limp from the pole. The other 5 missions all manged to get the rod to stay in place, which makes the flag appear to fly in the lunar atmosphere. The best photos to see the flag up close are the photos taken during the Apollo 17 mission.

Why was the flag for Northern Ireland done away with in 1972?

Because the Northern Ireland parliament was done away with and power returned to London, the flag was done away with.