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Although there is gravity on the Moon, the flag had wire strips in it to stop it falling down. This also allowed the flag to look like it was "waving".

The Apollo 11 mission flag fell over due to the exhaust blast of the returning flight.

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Q: Why doesn't the US flag on the moon hang down?
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Why the flag in the moon is moving if theres no air?

The flad doesn't move. Its held up by a bar that goes through the top of the flag, making it look like its waving. Without the bar, the flag would just hang down as it does on earth when there is no wind to unfurl it.

Where is the only flag that cannot be taken down?

The moon

What flag would you find on the moon?

The flag that represents the moon is the moon!

How did the American Flag stay on the moon?

The flag remains on the Moon .

Is the flag that was placed on the moon still on the moon?

Yes the American flag is still on the moon

Why is the American flag waving on the moon?

the flag waves because it was planted in the soil and Neil Armstrong twisted the poles.this is obvious because int other footage you can see the flag is not moving when he walks past it.Since there is no wind on the moon the flag pole made of the moon landing was an upside-down "L" shape to hold the flag material straight out.

Is there a Japanese flag on the moon?

No. Only Americans have walked on the moon so there is an American flag on the moon.

Why doesnt the moon have enough gravity on it to pull us down?

It does. Astronauts on the moon can jump higher than they do on Earth but they still come back down. The moon's gravity is weaker than Earth's because the moon has less mass.

What flag was put on the moon?

It was American Flag that was first ever put on the moon.

Who planted the us flag on the moon?

Neil Armstrong planted the U.S Flag on the moon.

How do things get blown about on the moon if there is no wind?

Short answer is they don't. Guessing a little here, but this question is a common argument used to support the NASA Moon Landing hoax. The theory goes that NASA never made manned flights to the moon but filmed it on a sound stage and this is proven by the flag waving in the photos and film footage. The fact is that the flag is not waving. In the Moon's lack of atmosphere a flag would simply hang unless somehow supported. The Moon Flags all have a wire stitched into the top seam so they can be.displayed. the movement of the fabric is the result of the astronaut fumbling with the flag as he tried to set it and the lack of atmosphere with the Moon's low gravity.

How do things get blown on the moon if there is no wind?

Short answer is they don't. Guessing a little here, but this question is a common argument used to support the NASA Moon Landing hoax. The theory goes that NASA never made manned flights to the moon but filmed it on a sound stage and this is proven by the flag waving in the photos and film footage. The fact is that the flag is not waving. In the Moon's lack of atmosphere a flag would simply hang unless somehow supported. The Moon Flags all have a wire stitched into the top seam so they can be.displayed. the movement of the fabric is the result of the astronaut fumbling with the flag as he tried to set it and the lack of atmosphere with the Moon's low gravity.