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The flad doesn't move. Its held up by a bar that goes through the top of the flag, making it look like its waving. Without the bar, the flag would just hang down as it does on earth when there is no wind to unfurl it.

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Q: Why the flag in the moon is moving if theres no air?
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not rly bcz they say that the footprint stays till now bcz there is no air and atmosphere than why the flag is moving and is straight

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No, because theres no air on the moon and bats need air, plus the moon is REALLY far away and the bats would get tired.

is there such thing as a flag moving in space?

no because if there is no air then there is no wind, so the first flag is NOT A THING LOL

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I think that they are not because theres no air in space(oxygen)

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Can a flag wave in space?

yes but only if some one is waving it other wise no as space is a vacuum and has no air to push the flag. there was a metal bar holding p the flag on the moon by the way

Did Americans actually land on the moon because i was watching the video and the flag was moving in outer space?

Yes they did. From (see below)Bad: When the astronauts are assembling the American flag, the flag waves. Kaysing says this must have been from an errant breeze on the set. A flag wouldn't wave in a vacuum.Good: Of course a flag can wave in a vacuum. In the shot of the astronaut and the flag, the astronaut is rotating the pole on which the flag is mounted, trying to get it to stay up. The flag is mounted on one side on the pole, and along the top by another pole that sticks out to the side. In a vacuum or not, when you whip around the vertical pole, the flag will ``wave'', since it is attached at the top. The top will move first, then the cloth will follow along in a wave that moves down. This isn't air that is moving the flag, it's the cloth itself.The moon hoax is a myth propagated by con artists that want to sell books. For a thorough debunking of the moon hoax propaganda visit:http://www.clavius.org

Has anybody really landed on moon?

I don't think any one landed on the moon because on the show when they landed their were no stars and the flag was blowing and their is no air in space

Why do flags photographed on the Moon appear to be flying?

There is gravity on the moon, but it is much less strong [only about 1/6th] than it is on earth. Actually, the flag hangs, it does not fly. It hangs and appears to fly due to a little mechanical assistance.A piece of stiff wire was attached to the flag pole, and hidden in the top seam of the material so that it could not be seen in the photo. Without doing this [a rigid horizontal support] the flag would just limply hang down, like flags do on Earth when there is no breeze.There is no wind on the moon, and practically no atmosphere. That is why the flag cannot actually 'fly' there.There are two explanations for why the flag appears to be fluttering in the breeze:It was crumpled during transit. The lightness of the fabric, combined with the weakness of the gravity, meant the wrinkles were not smoothed out by gravity as much as they would have been on earth.The act of planting the flag started it moving. In the absence of air resistance, it took some time for this movement to stop.The movement of the flag on the surface of the moon was caused by the vaccum. Vaccum has less particles than our atmosphere does. This causes the flag to be able to move after it is placed on the surface of the moon.The flag NEVER moves unless an astronaut is moving it, has just moved it and it is settling down, or at least brushes against it in passing. David Scott did that on Apollo 15, and you could see the flag edge moving like a pendulum, with no air to "catch" the cloth and slow it to a quicker stop.

Why aren't there any sedimentary rocks on the moon?

because there is no air on the moon therefore there is no weathering and no weathering means no erosion and then theres no sediment for the wind to carry which means no sedimentary rocks can be formed

Were the moon landings filmed in the california desert?

If space exist as we were so diligently taught in school and scientist say there is no air in space how the hell does a flag wave with no air no atmosphere and no wind sorry it was faked.

How American flag flies in the moon because moon has no air?

If you look at the photos of the flag on the moon, you'll noitce the top of the flag has a rod in it to hold it up and make it look like its flying in the breeze. The Apollo 12 astronauts could not get the top bar to latch. It is the only one that hangs down. The other 5 flags all worked as they were designed.