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The Authors of the Lost Generation responded to World War 1 by using their work to depict the disillusionment and suffering experienced by their generation. They typically employed modernist techniques to convey the fragmented and chaotic nature of post-war society, exploring themes of alienation, loss, and the futility of war. Their writing often reflected a sense of aimlessness and despair in the aftermath of the conflict.

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What Authors of the Lost Generation responded to World War 1 by?

becoming cynical and critical of traditional values

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Answer this question… Disillusionment in the years following World War I

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'The Lost Generation' is the term used to describe those who fought in World War I. Members of the lost generation were born between between the years of 1883 and 1900.

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Five writers most often associated with the Lost Generation are F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and T.S. Eliot. They were known for their disillusionment after World War I and their exploration of the era's cultural and societal shifts.

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Three authors from the Lost Generation were F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, and Gertrude Stein. They were part of a group of American writers who came of age during World War I and were known for their disillusionment with society and traditional values.

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Who is the lost generation?

The "Lost Generation" refers to the generation of people who came of age during or just after World War I. This term was popularized by writer Gertrude Stein and later used by author Ernest Hemingway. It described a generation that felt disillusioned, disconnected, and lost due to the destruction and trauma of the war.

Did ww1 create a lost generation?

Yes, World War I has been associated with the concept of a "lost generation" due to the widespread destruction, loss of life, and disillusionment experienced by many who fought in or lived through the war. This term reflects the sense of aimlessness, trauma, and questioning of traditional values that characterized the post-war period for many individuals, particularly in Europe.

When did the lost generation begin?

The Lost Generation is a term commonly used to describe the generation that came of age during World War I. This generation includes individuals born roughly between 1883 and 1900. The term was popularized by author Gertrude Stein.

Did gertrude Stein coin the phrase you are nothing but a lost generation in?

No, Gertrude Stein did not coin the phrase "Lost Generation." It was popularized by Ernest Hemingway in his book "A Moveable Feast" to refer to the disillusioned generation that came of age during World War I.