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The Geats believed helping Hrothgar was an honorable duty.

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This remark suggests that the Geats trust Beowulf's ability to defeat Grendel, likely based on his previous heroic deeds and reputation for courage. The Geats are confident in Beowulf's skills and leadership, hence why none of them show any regret or doubt about his decision to face this formidable opponent.

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Q: When Beowulf tells the Geats he will cross the sea and destroy Grendel the poet writes None of the wise ones regretted his going What inference can the reader draw from that remark?
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When Beowulf tells the Geats he will cross the sea and destroy Grendel the poet writes None of the wise ones regretted his going. What inference can the reader draw from that remark?

The Geats believed helping Hrothgar was an honorable duty.

When Beowulf tells the geats he will cross the sea and destroy Grendel the poets write none of the wise ones regretted his going what inference can the reader draw from that remark?

The Geats believed helping Hrothgar was an honorable duty.

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What is grendel and grendel's mother's motives?

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