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people see themselves as they think others see them

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individuals develop their self-concept based on how they believe others perceive them. This concept suggests that our self-image is shaped by our interpretations of how others view and react to us. It emphasizes the importance of social interactions and feedback in the formation of our self-identity.

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Q: When Charles Horton Cooley used the concept looking-glass self he was referring to the fact that?
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What sociologist developed the concept of looking glass self?

The concept of the looking glass self was developed by sociologist Charles Cooley in 1902. He proposed that individuals develop their self-concept through social interactions and how they believe others perceive them.

Who was the process by which you develop a sense of self referred to as the looking glass self developed by?

The concept of the looking glass self was developed by American sociologist Charles Horton Cooley. According to this theory, individuals develop their sense of self through their interactions with others, who act as mirrors reflecting back perceptions of the self.

Freud and Cooley are in basic disagreement on the nature of the self?

Yes, Sigmund Freud and Charles Cooley had different views on the nature of the self. Freud emphasized the role of unconscious desires and drives in shaping the self, while Cooley focused on the social interactions and relationships that influence self-concept. Freud's psychoanalytic theory contrasts with Cooley's symbolic interactionism in how they explain the development of self-awareness and identity.

According to Charles Horton Cooley how do we develop our self concept?

Young learners base this on reading ability and personal improvement. Middle School years- appearance, social approval, and achievement. Older- feedback from significant others, and from social settings. Healthy social and emotional development relay on sound self concept.

Describe and assess the evidence that socialisation plays a major part in shaping human behavior?

Socialization is the process through which individuals learn and internalize the norms, values, and behaviors of their society. Evidence from social psychology and sociology demonstrates that socialization plays a significant role in shaping human behavior by influencing how individuals perceive themselves, interact with others, and make sense of the world around them. This is evident in studies showing the impact of family, peers, media, and institutions in shaping beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors of individuals. However, it is important to acknowledge that while socialization is a powerful force in shaping behavior, individuals also have agency and can resist or reinterpret socializing influences.

Related questions

What sociologist developed the concept of looking glass self?

The concept of the looking glass self was developed by sociologist Charles Cooley in 1902. He proposed that individuals develop their self-concept through social interactions and how they believe others perceive them.

When was Charles Cooley born?

Charles Cooley was born on 1864-08-17.

When did Charles Cooley die?

Charles Cooley died on 1929-05-08.

What school did Charles Horton Cooley attend?

Charles Horton Cooley attended the University of Michigan, where he earned both his undergraduate and graduate degrees.

Who was the process by which you develop a sense of self referred to as the looking glass self developed by?

The concept of the looking glass self was developed by American sociologist Charles Horton Cooley. According to this theory, individuals develop their sense of self through their interactions with others, who act as mirrors reflecting back perceptions of the self.

Freud and Cooley are in basic disagreement on the nature of the self?

Yes, Sigmund Freud and Charles Cooley had different views on the nature of the self. Freud emphasized the role of unconscious desires and drives in shaping the self, while Cooley focused on the social interactions and relationships that influence self-concept. Freud's psychoanalytic theory contrasts with Cooley's symbolic interactionism in how they explain the development of self-awareness and identity.

What was Charles cooley view on body enhancement?

He loved steroids!

Looking glass self is who's theory?

Charles Cooley

Which sociologist described primary groups as the springs of life?

Charles Horton Cooley described primary groups as the springs of life in his concept of the "looking-glass self." He believed that our self-concept is shaped by our interactions with close, intimate groups like family and friends.

What did Charles horton cooley add to the field of sociology?

the concepts that some groups are considered primary while others are considered secondary(apex)

What are the contributions Charles Horton Cooley made to sociology?

Charles Horton Cooley made significant contributions to sociology through his concept of the "looking-glass self," which describes how individuals develop self-identity through social interactions and feedback from others. He also emphasized the role of primary groups in shaping individual behavior and social integration, highlighting the importance of intimate relationships in society. Additionally, Cooley's work helped to expand the understanding of social psychology and symbolic interactionism within the field of sociology.

Which phrase best describes primary groups as Charles Cooley envisioned them?

the miracle of society