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Q: When Chyme moves from the stomach into the?
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What is when the food moves out of the stomach it is a soupy mixture called?


What is the watery liquid that moves from your stomach to your small interstates?


What is bolus called after it moves out of the stomach?

Food becomes bolus after it's been chewed and swallowed. It then turns to chyme as it leaves the body. Once chyme has left from the stomach, it is then called feces.

Chyme is created in the?

In the stomach

What is partially digested food called in the stomach?

The partially digestive food in the stomach is known by the name of Chyme.

What is the semi-digested food inside the stomach called?

CHYME...the food that enters the stomach is stored and mixed with the nzyme pepsin and hydrochloric acid to form a soupy material..

What is food called after exits the stomach?

It is called chyme once it gets out of the stomach into the small intestin.

As chyme moves through the duodenum does it become more acidic or more alkaline?

As chyme moves through the duodenum, it becomes less acidic and more alkaline. This is because the pancreas secretes bicarbonate ions into the duodenum, which helps neutralize the acidic chyme coming from the stomach. Additionally, the liver also contributes bile salts to the duodenum, which further helps to alkalize the chyme.

What is the Churn food in the stomach called?


What allows chyme to enter the small intestine?

mechanical digestion is essentially complete, but the other processes are ongoing or have not yet begun

Partially digested food is called?

if the food is already has gone through the stomach then it is chyme