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Q: When I do count the clock that tells the time?
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What is clock in?

A machine that tells time

What is in a clock?

A machine that tells time

What is a clock used for?

Time it is the purpose we can see the time in the clock.

When i do count the clock that tells the time sonnet 12. why is this verse an example of iambic pentameter?

Sonnet 12 follows iambic pentameter with ten syllables per line, arranged in pairs of alternating stressed and unstressed syllables. For instance, "When I do count the clock that tells the time" is comprised of five iambs (unstressed-stressed pairs), demonstrating the metrical pattern commonly found in Shakespearean sonnets.

What tells time but isn't a clock?

the sun

What is an atomic clock radio?

It's a clock that is synced with a service that tells time based on the movement of an atom.

What indicates the speed of the computer in running applications?

my clock. it tells me what time it is

What sort of clock did they use in the 1960's?

One that tells the time.

What is the importance of the clock?

it is important because it tells us what is the time of the day

When I do count the clock that tells the time William Shakespeare Sonnet 12 Why is this verse an example of iambic pentameter?

It has five metrical feet that each contain an unstressed syllable immediately followed by a stressed one.

What is the purpose for the clock sympol at the radio player?

press it and you will see, it tells you the time.

Does a field goal count if the ball is kicked after time has expired?

If the play starts with time still on the clock, then yes.