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The Jews could not wait to get rid of Jesus.

Jesus was sent to put the lost sheep on a straight and narrow road to salvation but the lost sheep wanted rather to graze into eternal damnation.

  • He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep ofIsrael." [Matthew 15:24]
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Q: When Jesus died did the Jews revolot against rome?
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What did it say on the sign they put on top of the cross that jesus christ died on?

The sign placed on top of Jesus' cross read "King of the Jews" in three languages: Hebrew, Greek, and Latin.

How do the Jews think Jesus died?

The Jewish people think that if Jesus existed as a real person, he died as a result of the uniquely grotesque form of Roman execution, crucifixion. (Many Jews do not accept that he was an actual person.) At the time Jesus was supposed to have lived, over 10,000 Jews were executed via crucifixion by the Romans.

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Mary Magdalene(the one who he cast out seven demons out). Mark 16:9.

Why did the Nazis call Jews Christ killers?

It was an excuse for the holocaust and it is a misconception. No one killed Christ, he is alive. ________________________________________________________________ Because in the Bible the Jews called for Jesus to be crucified. (Then according to Christianity Jesus died and rose again).

Do Jews believe in the birth of Jesus?

Whether Jesus actually lived or died is of no importance to Judaism since Jesus himself is of no importance to Judaism. If Jesus lived, then he certainly was born, just like all other humans. However, all Jews reject the Christian claim that Jesus was conceived from a virgin. If Jesus lived, he was a human with two human parents.

Was Jews ever hung from trees?

Yes. 1. Jesus was a Jew. 2. Roman citizens were not allowed to be killed in this manner. 3.We may assume, but not be sure, that the other two people that died with Jesus that day were Jews.

Do Jews follow Christianity?

Some Jews are Christians but most are not. It is because Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God, the Messiah, who died as the lamb of God, a sacrifice for all who believe. Jews do not believe this.

The letters on the cross what do they mean?

The letters "INRI" on the cross represent the Latin inscription "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum," which translates to "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." It was meant to signify Jesus' identity and the reason for his crucifixion.

Why Muslims are against that Jesus died on the cross?

they are too scared to realize the truth

Who killed Jesus according to Jewish history?

----------------------- There is no historical reference, anywhere, to the death of Jesus. Jews simply accept that, in the absence of alternative explanations, Jesus probably died much as is described in the gospels.

What do Jews believe about Jesus Christ's death?

Christian answer:In addressing a group of Jews about their role in the death of the Messiah, the apostle Peter said the words in Acts 3:14-17. Jesus' death would be beneficial-but not for the Jews only. His ransom sacrifice would provide the means to release all mankind from bondage to sin and death. Jewish answer:Jews believe that Jesus died in the same manner as other people and without any miracles or special significance.

Who was governor when Jesus died?

Pontius Pilate was governor of the fifth prefect of Roman province in Judaea. He is the one who allowed the Jews to crucify Jesus. The emperor at the time was Tiberius.