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Q: When Mendel bred green - pea plants and yellow - pea plants all the offspring had yellows means that?
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In a genetic class pure green and yellow pod cross what would be the genotype of f1?

This is one of the classic experiments carried out by Gregor Mendel. If you cross pure-breeding green pod plants with pure-breeding yellow pod plants the offspring (F1 generation) will all have green pods. This means that green pod is dominant and yellow pod is recessive. To explain the results, pure-breeding green pod plants must have the genotype GG (homozygous dominant) and yellow pod plants must be gg (homozygous recessive). When they are crossed the F1 offspring will receive a G allele from the green parent and a g allele from the yellow parent, so they will all have the genotype Gg ie they will be heterozygous.

Why did Mendel perform cross-pollination experiments?

Haha, do you have the glencoe homework packets too? --Anyway, here's what I got: When Mendel cross-pollinated one variety of purebred plant with another, these crosses would yield offspring that looked like either one of the parent plants, not a blend of the two. :D Hope you like it.

Mendel crossed two pea plants one with green pods and one with yellow pods. the F'S generation all had green pods. What color pods did the F'S generation have explain your answer.?

only green-podded plants. Incorrect^ Letter D on the sheet, about three-quarters green-podded plants and one-quarter yellow-podded plants.

What arethe traits in garden peas studies by gregor Mendel?

Mendel studied seven traits: Height of the plants (stunted or normal); Flower color (purple or white); Pea color (Green or yellow); Pod color (Green or yellow); Position of flowers on stem (axial or terminal); and Pod shape (inflated or constricted).

How did Gregor Mendel influence society?

Gregor Mendel is the father of genetics. While he crossed 2 pea plants (1 yellow/round-dominant, 1 green/wrinkled-recessive; both plants are heterozygous), he saw that 9 of the offspring were yellow and round, 3 of them were green and round, 3 were yellow and wrinkled, and 1 was green and wrinkled. As shown, this is a dihybrid problem (16 squares). Monohybrid problems are very simple. There is also incomplete dominance where a red flower and a white flower cross and produce pink flowers; this means that the offspring did not have the alleles from the parents, so the traits blended. Another type would be co-dominance where the offspring share the alleles of both parents; an example would be the roan cattle (it has both red and white colors from its parents). Multiple alleles are usually in blood types (type A, B, O). Blood type AB is co-dominant. Today, scientists recognize Mendel's discovery of genetics; therefore, it is important people should study genetics in biology.

Related questions

When Mendel first crossed garden pea plants with green pods with plants withs yellow pods what color was the offspring?

When Mendel crossed pea plants with green pods with those with yellow pods, the offspring all had green pods if the green pod parent was homozygous. If the green pod parent was heterozygous, then half the offspring had green pods and half had yellow pods.

What kind of pea plants did Mendel use?

Smooth yellow pea plants and wrinkly green peas.

How was it possible that there were short plants in the f2 generation if there werent any short plants in the f1 generation?

The reason why short plants reappeared in Mendel's F2 generation of pea plants was because their short trait was heterozygous. Both parents carriedÊthat recessive gene, so they passed it on to their offspring.

In a genetic class pure green and yellow pod cross what would be the genotype of f1?

This is one of the classic experiments carried out by Gregor Mendel. If you cross pure-breeding green pod plants with pure-breeding yellow pod plants the offspring (F1 generation) will all have green pods. This means that green pod is dominant and yellow pod is recessive. To explain the results, pure-breeding green pod plants must have the genotype GG (homozygous dominant) and yellow pod plants must be gg (homozygous recessive). When they are crossed the F1 offspring will receive a G allele from the green parent and a g allele from the yellow parent, so they will all have the genotype Gg ie they will be heterozygous.

What functions of the offspring are predicted to have yellow peas and green peas?

This is a basic Mendel cross where the master himself found out that yellow was the dominant color to green. Many years later we found out that there is another gene involved and that the colors have to do with chlorophyll - not just color. If a pure green is crossed to a purebred yellow, then all the offspring will be yellow. However they do carry the green gene since if these yellow offspring are self-fertilized, they will produce the standard 3/4 yellow and 1/4 green phenotypes.

Is it possible for two yellow labs to have black puppies?

Yes. my friend.... 2 yellows will only have yellows and/or dudleys if the parents are chocolate factored.... why? because the parents are both yellow labs, they carry the ee alleles, therefore, they both can only pass on "e" to their offspring making all the offspring "ee" (yellow labs) order to be a black lab, they have to have at least 1 "B" and one "E" which the yellow labs do not have, so you'd have to bred a yellow with a chocolate or black lab to be able to get some black pups....hope this helps

What kinds of yellows are there?

Lots and lots. Primary yellow, canary yellow, custard yellow, yellow-green, all sorts.

What pea attributes did Mendel use?

Mendel crossbred -tall & dwarf pea plants, -green & yellow peas, -purple & white flowers, -wrinkled & smooth peas. And a few other traits.

When Mendel allowed heterozygous F1 plants that had round yellow seed to self-pollinate he found that some of the F2 plants had wrinkled green seeds is this true or false?


What did gregor Mendel do to study different characteristics in his genetics experiment?

He cross-pollinated plants

A cross between two pea plants that produce yellow seeds results in 124 offspring 93 produce yellow seeds and 31 produce green seeds what are the likely genotypes of the plants that were crossed?


What is the importance of Mendel's work?

The year was 1851. Gregor Mendel, a young priest from a monastery in Central Europe, entered the University of Vienna to study mathematics and science. Two years later, Mendel returned to the monastery and began teaching at a nearby high school.Mendel also cared for the monastery's garden, where he grew hundreds of pea plants. He became curious about why some of the plants had different physical characteristics, or traits. Some pea plants grew tall while others were short. Some plants produced green seeds, while others had yellow seeds.Mendel observed that the pea plants' traits were often similar to those of their parents. Sometimes, however, the pea plants had different traits than their parents. The passing of traits from parents to offspring is called heredity. For more than ten years, Mendel experimented with thousands of pea plants to understand the process of heredity. Mendel's work formed the foundation of genetics, the scientific study of heredity.