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dihybrid cross :D

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Q: When Mendel crossed plants that were heterozygous for two traits he performed a?
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What did mendel perform when he crossed plants that were heterozygous for two traits?

When Mendel crossed a true-breeding short plant with a true-breeding tall plant, all the offspring were tall. Which term describes the gene for tallness?

What term did Mendel use to describe heterozygous pea plants?

The terms Mendel used to describe the heterozygous pea plant was the hybrid term....i hope that helped

What did Gregor Mendel do study different characteristics in his genetics experiments?

Gregor Mendel took two true-breeding plants with contrasting traits and cross-pollinated them, producing offspring with genes for both characteristics. He used selective breeding.

What was the ratio of tail to short plants in the f2 generation of Mendel's experiments?

100% heterozygous pea plants. Showing the dominant trait

What step did Mendel take to be sure his pea plants crossed pollinated?

he used plants that were NOT true breeding!

When Gregor Mendel crossed purebred short plants with purebred tall plants all of the offspring were?


Why was it important to Mendel's work that peas were true-breeding?

because it helped Mendel discover which plants would be crossed to produce offspring.

How did Mendel produce F2 off spring?

He crossed F1 plants to each other

Two plants are crossed resulting in offspring with a 3 to1 ratio for a particular trait This suggests?

That the parents were both heterozygous!

Why were all the offsprins purple when gregor menel crossed true breeding purple flowered plants with true breeding white flowered plants?

All the offspring were purple because Mendel was dealing with simple genetic dominance. The purple true breeding parent was homozygous dominant and the true breeding white parent was homozygous recessive. When those two are crossed they create only heterozygous offspring (look up a punnett) and since this is simple dominance those heterozygous will show the phenotype of the dominant allele which is purple.

What Mendel's first experiment crossed true-breeding plants with different versions of the hereditary factor for a trait. best describes Mendel's results?

Tt and TT were the genotypes of the true breeding plants that Mendel used in his two factor cross.

What is Mendel known for?

He is known as the father of genetics. He crossed pea plants to determine the patterns of inheritance for certain traits.