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Mormons believe any human being can -- and should -- talk to God directly. We also believe God speaks to every human being who is willing to hear His voice.

Mormons believe God speaks to the Church through the Prophet, and that the Prophet holds all the keys to priesthood authority on the earth -- just as ancient prophets did.

Mitt Romney happens to be a member of the Church, but no member of the Church is "on a leash." A fundamental doctrine of Mormonism is "free agency." We have the freedom to make our own decisions and to decide for ourselves how we will operate our lives and construct our relationship with God; attempting to "control" one another would be Satanic behavior. Literally.

Mitt Romney is an adult who is responsible (like each member of the church) for his own choices. Each individual accounts directly to God for his or her behavior and decisions. We could no more hold one another on "leashes" than we could hold you on a leash. Church affiliation is voluntary. We cannot, and would not, attempt to control one another.

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Q: When Mormons believe only their prophet talks to God why is Mitt Romney not on the Mormon God prophet leash or is he?
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Mitt Romney is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as the Mormons. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a religion based on Christianity and we call ourselves Mormons or Latter Day Saints. We believe in the Book of Mormon and the Bible.

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Mitt Romney picked his own running mate. The President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the 'Mormon' church) had absolutely nothing to do with it. Mitt Romney's running mate Paul Ryan is a Catholic, not a Mormon, so it was not a statement about Mormons being the one true church or that all Christians should follow Mormons. It was entirely a political move and not related to religious belief. Mitt Romney picked Paul Ryan as his running mate based on his political opinions, not his religion. The Mormon church has a very strict policy of political neutrality and has members who are influential leaders in both the Republican and Democratic parties. It is against the Church's policy to discuss political matters with a political candidate or to support a political candidate. The Prophet also has no power to direct one individual member independent of the rest of the Church. If the Prophet gives any directions, they apply to all 14 million members, and not to an individual. I.E., the Church or the Prophet cannot tell Mitt Romney to do something without telling all 14 million Mormons to do the same thing. The Prophet is not concerned with the affairs of individuals, only with leading the entire church in unity.

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No, Mitt Romney doesn't meddle in anti-Mormon affairs. However, since he believes the prophet speaks the words of God, he would probably not try to stop it.

Do voters know that Mitt Romney not only believes but knows that thomas s monson is the only person on earth today that speaks directly with god and god tells mr monson what Mitt Romney is to do?

Some may suspect this, but it is untrue. Mitt Romney is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and does believe that Thomas S. Monson is a prophet, but Mormons (including Mr. Romney) do NOT believe that the prophet is the only one who speaks to God. It is a fundamental, basic belief of all Mormons that each individual has the right to speak with God directly. Mormons are expected to develop a personal relationship with God and to speak with Him directly every day. Mormons believe that they should not do anything without receiving individual confirmation from God that it is the correct path for them. Mormons are even encouraged to pray about the instruction of the prophet before obeying it. The Church does not want 'blind followers', but wants members to have a personal relationship with God and to follow His commandments because they know for themselves that it is what they should do, not because it is what someone else says they should do.

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This is not a quote by a Mormon prophet, so the rest of the question is rather a moot point. However, what it will prove is simply that most members of the Electoral Collegeprefer Barak Obama.Mormons believe that God is the loving Father and Creator of all mankind, and blacks are no more wicked than whites. Millions of Mormons love Barak Obama and are planning on voting for him.

What is Romneys religion?

Mitt Romney is a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, better known as the Mormons.

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Mitt Romney is a Mormon

Will Mitt Romney listen to his living Prophet instead of his Country if he is elected President since his salvation depends on listening to his Prophet?

Absolutely! He vowed to do so under penalty of death when he made his temple oaths and covenents. Mormons believe they are destined by (their) God to rule the country. Mitt seems like it. (For them.) (Not me!)