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Yes, most of the Jedis died in episode 2 in the arena, and I think some more died in episode 3.but that is not obi-wans fate he technichly speaking dosent die he joins the force but Vader kills him in a new hope

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Q: When Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda die they disappear but every body else just dies?
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No, in the novel Palpatine ordered the clones to destroy the Senate Building and was told that there was no way that Yoda could have survived. However, in the Return Of The Jedi novel, it says that Palpatine tapped into Lukes thoughts and discovered that Yoda had somehow managed to survive the Jedi Extermination and helped Obiwan train Luke.

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Of course you can! you can play as obiwan, mace windu, yoda, anyone who is a jedi! why do you ask this question? just play the game!

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In episode IV A New Hope, Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi trains him for a short time. After he dies, His spirit tells him to go find Yoda. Yoda trains him as well. Between the movies IV and V, He trains himself.

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