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When point mutation occurs at cellular level, it can cause many diseases. Some of these diseases include Cancer, Sickle-Cell Anemia, Cystic Fibrosis and Color Blindness.

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Q: When Point mutation occurrs at a cellular level what diseases can be caused?
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What diseases are thought to be caused by point mutation?

Sickle cell anemia.

What dieseases comes from a mutation in the hemogobin?

Sickle cell anemia and thalassemia are two diseases caused by mutation of the protein hemoglobin.

What disease is called by a genetic mutation?

cystic fibrosis

What exactly is happening at the cellular level to cause thise disorder of hemophilia?

hemopholia is caused by a mutation of ones of the genes thatproduces blood-clotting proteins.

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Yes, it is caused by an autosomal dominant mutation. One copy of the mutation will cause the condition.

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Describe three ways genetic diseases are caused?

1. (1) Produced by an abnormality in, or a mutation of the genetic code in a single gene; (2) Caused by several abnormal genes (Producing so-called polygenic diseases); or (3) Caused by the abnormal presence or absence of an entire chromosome or by alteration in the structure of chromosomes.

Is cystic fibrosis caused by a gene mutation or chromosomal mutation?

It is caused by a gene mutation in the single gene on chromosome 7 that produces a protein known as CFTR.

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They are diseases caused by lack vitaminsthe diseases caused are:rickets,beri beri, scruvy,kwashiorkor.

What causes varation in traits?

Genotypic variation is caused by mutation. Phenotypic variation can be caused by mutation, which gives rise to different alleles, or it can be caused by environmental factors.

What is caused by genetic mutation?
