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Q: When Ponce de Leon went to Florida he became the first spaniard to set foot in what is now the US.?
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Which spaniard explored Florida?

Juan Ponce de Leon was the first Spaniard to reach Florida in 1513.

Who was the first European to explore Florida and when?

Juan Ponce de Leon which was a Spaniard that came to North America searching for the "Legendary Fountain of Youth." He landed in the tropical paradise of what is know Florida and he claimed the peninsula of Florida for Spain. He came to Florida between 1760 - 1776.

Is Florida a spanish name?

Yes. Florida was the first place in America to be discovered. It was discovered by the Spaniard Juan Ponce de Leon in 1513 during Easter, known by the Spanish as Pascua Florida or Flowery Easter. Florida means flowery.

Was ponce de leon the first spainerd to step in the US?

Yes Ponce de Leon was the first Spaniard to step foot in the US

Who was the first spaniard to land on mainland of north america?

Juan Ponce de león

Who was the first Spaniard to set foot on American soil?

rumor has it that ponce de leon was among if not the first . other say st. augistine

Who was the first Spaniard to set foot in what is now the US?

Juan Ponce de Leon in 1511.

What Spaniard accidentally became the first Spaniard to enter the land of Texas in 1528?

De Soto

What were some positive impacts of Ponce De Leon's voyage?

Ponce De Leon led the first expedition in Florida while he was searching for the Fountain of Youth.Ê He also became the first Governor of Puerto Rico.

Who was the first founder of Miami Florida?

Ponce DeLeon

What are some famous explorers that explored Florida?

Ponce De Leon was the first to step in Florida.

Who was first European to explore Florida?

Ponce de Leon