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The Sun and moon will never meet

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Q: When The Sun And Moon Meet What Will Happen?
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Related questions

What would happen if the moon was on the left and the sun is on the right?

Nothing would happen if the moon was on the left and the sun on the right. The moon and sun are often on different sides of the earth.

What is sun set and moon set?

when the sun/moon appears to slowly meet the horizon and disappear

How do wave happen?

by the sun and the moon

What will happen if the sun comes near the moon?

The moon will melt

What will happen if the earth get between the sun and moon?

When the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon, it is a Full Moon but when the Sun, Moon and Earth are directly in line - we will get a lunar eclipse.

When does a new moon happen?

Once the moon has passed by, in between the earth and the sun.

What causes eclipses to happen?

The moon covers the sun.

What can happen when the moon blocks out the sun?

A solar eclipse.

Why does it have to be new moon to be solar eclipse?

Because a solar eclipse occurs when the moon blocks the sun. The only way for this to happen is if the moon is between the sun and the earth. When the moon is between the sun and the earth, it is a new moon.

How do moon phases happen?

as the planets and moons circle around the sun, the moon gets less and less light from the sun and the light it gets from the sun is known as the phase.. when the sun hits the whole moon it is a full moon and so on

How are the sun and moon related to the thing that happen as the earth moves?

... as the earth moves? as in, an earthquake? Sorry, honey, but the sun and the moon have NOTHING to do with that.

What would happen if Earth was directly between the Sun and the Moon?

you cannot see the mon because it is covering the sun and the sun is helping the moon