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Q: When a Buddhist individual reaches enlightenment it is said that they reach a certain state that can be literally translated as snuffing out what is this state?
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What is the process of achieving Buddhist enlightenment?

The process of achieving Buddhist enlightenment is by meditation or deep thought, while concentrating and clearing their minds of worries and disturbances.

What was the Buddhist term for the end of suffering?

Enlightenment or Nirvana.

What is a popular present day song that would represent a famous philosopher from the Enlightenment Period?

Enlightenment as in the Buddhist enlightenment? Aqueous transmission- by incubus.

Who is the most enlightened Buddhist?

One would think it was Siddhattha Gotama. But there is no such thing as the most enlightened Buddhist because the Buddhist who practice the The Noble Eightfold Path attains the same Enlightenment by ceasing craving and at the same time realizing Arya Sathya (The Noble Truth) thereby attaining Nibbana (The unbound state). The difference between the enlightenment of Thathagathe Gouthame Buddha and the enlightenment of his disciples is that Thathagathe Gouthame Buddha attained enlightenment without the guidance of a teacher. Even though the Enlightenment attained is same among the Buddha, Pacchcheka Buddha and Maha Rahath there can be differences in qualities, personalities and abilities which depend on what each individual has cultivated.

Is enlightenment associated with Hinduism?

Typically enlightenment is associated more with Buddhist traditions but the idea of enlightenment is universal to eastern thought in some way or another. What made Buddhism different is that enlightenment was able to be achieved by anybody from anywhere as opposed to the caste ideology of the Hindu religion. To answer your question directly, no. Enlightenment, as I assume you are thinking about it, is a Buddhist tradition.

Why for a zen Buddhist enlightenment is nothing special?

see above post.

What is the Buddhist school of Mantrayana?

Mantrayana is a path to enlightenment based on mantras.

Who started enlightenment?

2 dudes named Edmond Halley and William Herschel.

How many lives does a Buddhist get?

The cycle of rebirth carries on indefinately until enlightenment.

What is a Buddhist holiday in December?

Bodhi Day, December 8th. (celebrating the enlightenment)

How would a Buddhist describe his or her ultimate goal to someone who is not Buddhist?

A Buddhist seeks to attain enlightenment. Enlightenment is the understanding of how to live life in a skillful fashion that ends desire and its associated pain. This is done by following the Eightfold Path. Once enlightened a Buddhist may, if he choses, enter Nirvana a state of existence without a sense of personal identity.

Is the Buddhist tradition dubbed the better way?

no it is not, but they believe strongly in the Enlightenment and do unto others.........