

When a Mayor Resigns what happens?

Updated: 4/29/2024
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9y ago

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The Deputy Prime Minister will take over, ideally, unless the PM him/herself assigns a successor beforehand, this is usually the Chancellor of the Exchequer. In any other case, the role automatically goes to the Deputy Prime Minister, and he/she will serve the office until the 4 year cycle is up, and a general election is held, unless the opposition decide to take a vote of no confidence and win - there will then be a new government altogether.

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1mo ago

When a mayor resigns, the deputy mayor or another designated official may assume the role until a new mayor is appointed or elected. In some cases, a special election may be held to determine the new mayor, or the city council may appoint a successor. The specific process can vary depending on the city's charter or local laws.

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9y ago

Each state has different rules. A deputy mayor may take over or a special election may be held to replace the mayor.

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