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A heterozygote expresses the traits of both alleles in the phenotypic traits. These traits affect the physical appearance of an organism.

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Q: When a blend of both alleles are shown in the phenotype of an organism this is an example of?
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What Traits that appear to blend are the result of?

Incomplete dominance (i.e. non of the two alleles are dominant and their effects blend to give the phenotype)

What is codominant genotype?

When two alleles are codominant, that means that they are expressed simultaneously in different parts. For example, if a red and white flower were crossed, and the resulting flower had some red petals and some white petals that would be codominance. Another example is when animals have stripes and spots. Not to be confused in incomplete dominance, which is when two alleles are expressed simultaneously in the same part of the organism (in the flower example all the petals would be pink).

What is the genotype for a trait with a mixed pair of alleles?

PHENOTYPE = how the traitphysically shows-up in the organism. ...Heterozygous means one of each allele in the genotype (ex: Cc)

What is incomplete dominance with examples?

A trait that exhibits incomplete dominance is one in which the heterozygous offspring will have a phenotype that is a blend between the two parent organisms.Here are some examples:A red and a yellow flower mating to produce an orange flowerA white cat and black cat having gray kittensA red flower and a yellow flower mating to produce an orange flower.

What is the genotype of a four o clock flower?

If you cross a red 4 O'clock with a white 4 O'clock, the phenotype will be pink This is because red has incomplete dominance over white, so the alleles blend. If yellow is crossed with white, the flowers are always yellow.

How many alleles influence a phenotype in incomplete dominance?

A trait that exhibits incomplete dominance, is one in which the heterozygous offspring will have a phenotype that is a blend between the two parent organisms. An example of this is when a homozygous red sweet pea flower crossed with a homozygous white sweet pea flower, their offspring will be heterozygous and have the pink phenotype, rather than either red or white. So, the homozygous red flower will be red, the homozygous white flower will be white, and the heterozygous flower will be pink. So there are three possible phenotypes in incomplete dominance. There are also no dominant or recessives genotypes.

How does codominance work and why does it happen?

Incomplete dominance occurs when a homozygous genotype produces an intermediate, or middle phase before the result. This intermediate is the heterozygous' phenotype.

Is an adaptation that enables an organism to blend?


When traits are inherited in an incomplete dominance pattern what is true about the phenotype of the heterozygotes?

A trait that exhibits incomplete dominance, is one in which the heterozygous offspring will have a phenotype that is a blend between the two parent organisms. An example of this is when a homozygous red sweet pea flower crossed with a homozygous white sweet pea flower, their offspring will be heterozygous and have the pink phenotype, rather than either red or white.

A condition in which both alleles are dominant and cannot mask each other they blend?


What enables an organism to blend in with it surroundings?


What is the condition called when two alleles for a trait are both dominant and a blend of the two occurs?

Incomplete Dominance