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The look at the HCG level, if it is existant, then you are pregnant. It can test negative if it is too early to tell. How they do this, I am unsure of.

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Q: When a blood test is given to determine pregnancy is there something specific doctors look at to tell or can they tell from any blood test?
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How does a pregnancy test tell that you are pregnant?

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a glycoprotein hormone produced during pregnancy and the pregnancy test kits determine the pregnancy based on the availability of this hormone in your urine. These are fairly accurate if tested 2 weeks after gestation. Manufacturers claim that the test kits are 99% accurate. Doctors recommend to carry out the home pregnancy test a week after you missed the due date of your cycle.

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Does an HIV blood test detect pregnancy?

An HIV blood test can tell if you are pregnant. When doctors get results back from a blood test, though they may be testing for a specific thing other things will get flagged as well. For example, when you take a home-pregnancy test and then go to the doctor's to confirm you are pregnant, often they will run blood tests to determine pregnancy. An HIV blood test will show whether or not you have HIV, but will also show whether or not you are pregnant.No; a HIV blood test won't tell if you are pregnant.