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He is participating in selective breeding. This is when you choose to breed to different animals because of their specific genetic traits. This is different though when two mates choose each other.

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Q: When a breeder prefers black coats color in his Labradors and therefore breeds only his dogs that have black coats he is participating in what?
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When a breeder prefers black coat color in his labradors and therefore breeds only his dogs that blacks he's participating in?

He is participating in selective breeding. This is when you choose to breed to different animals because of their specific genetic traits. This is different from when two mates choose each other.

When a breeder prefers black coat color in his Labradors and therefore breeds only his dogs that have black coats hes participating in?

He is participating in selective breeding. This is when you choose to breed to different animals because of their specific genetic traits. This is different from when two mates choose each other.

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Prefers is plural. Prefer is singular.

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