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Q: When a bullet is fired from a gun what happens to the energy released?
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When a bullet is fired upwards vertically it gains?

When a bullet is fired upwards vertically it gains kinetic energy.

What kind of energy is a speeding bullet?

It is KINETIC energy- mass in motion. Prior to being fired, the cartridge has POTENTIAL energy- stored, but not released (yet)

Where does a bullet goes after fired to the sky?

When a bullet is fired into the sky, it will eventually stop becasue it has run out of energy and fall back to the ground.

When a bullet is fired from a rifle does the bullet have a greater momentum and kinetic energy than the rifle?

The momenta of the rifle and the bullet are equal and opposite. The bullet has greater kinetic energy than the rifle.

What is the Formula for energy of a fired bullet?

The link below may be of benefit .

What happens to a bullet as it moves down the barrel of a firearm?

If fired from a rifled firearm, it spins.

What happens to a bullet fired to the rear of aircraft travelling at 700 mph?

The bullet will travel to wherever the muzzle was pointed at the moment of disharge.

What happens when a gun gets hit directly by a bullet?

Damage. How much depends on the gun that fired the bullet that hits it. it probably would explode

A 60 gram bullet is fired from a gun with 3150 joule of kinetic energy what is its velocity?

A 60 gram bullet fired from a gun with 3150 joules of kinetic energy has a velocity of 324.04 meters per second or 1,063.12 feet per second. (This is about 725mph).

Which has more momentum a train at rest or a bullet fired from a gun?

A bullet fired from a gun

What will be the speed of a bullet fired from an AK47?

The standard AK47 fires a 123 grain bullet at 2,400 feet per second. This produces 1,600 ft lbs of energy.

How can energy be kinetic?

If you fired a bullet vertically upward, it would have kinetic energy at first, when it gets to the top of its travel this would all have been converted to potential energy.