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Q: When a bus travels 20 km in 30 minutes. What is the average speed of the bus?
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What is the speed of a bus that travels 250.0 km in 2.00 hours in meters per second?

The bus' average speed is 34.72 meters per second.

What is the average speed of a bus that travels 275 miles in 5 hours?

88.514Km/hr or 24.587m/s

It took a bus 20 minutes to travel a 30km HighwayWhat is the average speed of the bus in kmh?

Easy - 20 minutes is one-third of an hour, and the bus traveled 30km. Multiply that 30km by three and that gives the total distance it would travel in one hour. Answer is an average speed of 90kmh.

What is the average speed of a bus that travels 450 km in 5 hours?

Speed = distance/time so it is 450/5 = 90 km per hour.

What is the speed of a bus that travels 178.0 km in 2.00 hours 30 minutes?

Total Speed - Time - 2.5 Hrs Avergage Speed 71.2 Km h-1

A bus travels with the speed of 60 miles/hour for 4 hurrs 20 minutes find the total distance covered by it?

It is 260 miles.

What is the average of a bus that travels in 450 km in 5 hours?

The average speed of the bus would be 90 km/h (450 km divided by 5 hours).

What is average speed If a man travels 20 km on foot at 5 kmhr and another man10 km by bus at 20 kmhr?

The average speed for both men (together) is 6.66... (repeating) km per hour.