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Q: When a cell divides to produce dissimilar cells?
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What are the cell produce at the end of meiosis?

Four, non-identical, haploid cells are produced at the end of meiosis.

Does cell division occur twice in mitosis or meiosis?

It's mitosis. Meiosis is when the cell divides twice.

What occur in cytokinesis?

Cytokinesis is the process by which a cell divides its cytoplasm to produce two daughter cells

Is it true that A cell divides to produce daughter cells that are genetically different?

It is true ONLY for meiosis II. Mitosis and Meiosis I produce identical daughter cells.

When does the cell divide into sister cells?

When the cells die out, it divides and create another cell

When a cells divides what kind of cell is made?

a daughter cell

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When a cell divides

what is one cell divides up into two identical daughter cells?

A somatic, or body, cell divides into two genetically identical daughter cells.

What is cytokensis?

the process that divides a cells cytoplasm.

What is the process of cell division that resuits in 4 sex cells?

Meiosis- divides twice to produce four haploid cells, with genetically different sets of each chromosome.

What happens after a cell divides?

By the time a normal cell divides you can assume that the cell has replicated all of its DNA. A factor that can stop normal cells from growing is contact with other cells.

When a bacterial cell divides into two new cells what are the new cells called?

Daughter cells