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it become any Ions

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Q: When a chlorine atom ionizes. what does its charge become?
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What is over all charge on a chlorine atom?

The chlorine atom is neutral.

How does a chlorine atom change into a chlorine ion?

A chlorine atom gains an electron to become a chloride ion. This extra electron gives the ion a negative charge, balancing the positive charge of the proton in the nucleus, resulting in a stable electron configuration.

How chlorine atom does become an anion?

A chlorine atom becomes an anion by gaining one electron to achieve a more stable electron configuration with a full outer shell. This extra electron gives the chlorine atom a negative charge, making it an anion.

What would be the electrical charge of a sodium atom that lost an electron?

if a chlorine atom were to attract an electron from a sodium atom it would become positively charged APEX

What charge is chlorine?

The chlorine ion is in group 7 so it has a charge of -1.

When reacting with an atom of chlorine an atom of lithium will lose an electron and become a litium?

In a reaction with chlorine, a lithium atom will lose an electron to achieve a stable electron configuration. Once it loses an electron, it becomes a lithium cation, which has a charge of +1.

Does the carbon atom have the delta negative charge in the carbon-chlorine bond?

No, in a carbon-chlorine bond, the chlorine atom will have a partial negative charge (δ-) due to its higher electronegativity, while the carbon atom will have a partial positive charge (δ+).

Which atom in the carbon-chlorine bond is assigned the delta negative charge?

The chlorine atom in a carbon-chlorine bond is typically assigned the delta negative charge. This is because chlorine is more electronegative than carbon, leading to an uneven sharing of electrons in the bond, with the chlorine atom attracting electron density towards itself and developing a partial negative charge.

Is cl- an atom?

No, Cl- is not an atom. It is an ion. Cl- represents a chlorine atom that has gained an electron, giving it a negative charge.

How does chlorine become chloride?

Chlorine become chloride through gaining an electron. In a chemical reaction, a chlorine atom accepts an electron from another atom or molecule, forming a chloride ion with a negative charge. This process of gaining an electron facilitates the transformation of chlorine into chloride.

How many electrons will chlorine gas gain or lose when it become an ion?

Chlorine gas will gain 1 electron to become a chloride ion.