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you can because it might eat it but i advise that you take it out 2-3 days after it has molted.

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Q: When a crayfish sheds its skin should you keep the skin in the tank?
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A snake periodically sheds it's skin.

How does a scorpion grow?

It sheds its skin.

Is your skin supposed to shed?

Your skin sheds for many reasons. It not only helps to rid germs, but we grow new skin regularly, and this is a good thing. It helps to keep skin healthy. So yes, it is normal.

What is grammatically correct snake sheds its skin or snake sheds it's skin?

snake sheds its skin - no apostrophe needed. With respect to the word "it", its represents possessive form of the word and it's is a contraction of "it is". The incorrect use of the either is a common mistake.

Why does it shed its skin?

A caterpillar sheds its skin because its skin gets too tight. The caterpillar needs to grow so that is why it sheds its skin. Eventually the caterpillar will turn into a crysalis or the pupa stage.

Sheds skin 5 letters?

A snake???

Do crawdads shed skin?

Yes, they do. In fact, when they do, it looks like pieces of a whole new crawdad. I know this because there is a crawdad I caught from a stream across my street, and I am watching it shed its skin.

What covers the iguanas body?

a leathery reptile skin such as a snakes skin and it sheds

Do humans shed their skin?

Yes Your Skin Sheds every 7 years!! =) (*_*)

Where does a snake go to get new skin?

yea after it sheds it grows new skin.

Does skin grow back when a lizard sheds?

A lizard forms a new layer of skin under the existing layer BEFORE it sheds. The lizard often eats the old skin, as it's full of nutrients.

Why does a gecko shed its skin?

because it sheds of to make new skin for the winter time