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Q: When a dog is 12 years old is it still necessary to get rabies vaccine?
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Is the DHPP vaccine for dogs good for 3 years?

No, it's one year. It's the rabies vaccine that is good for three years--provided the vet uses the three-year kind. I understand for puppies and some other dogs the one-year rabies vaccine is better. Check with your vet.

How often does a dog need rabies vaccination?

In the United States, the first rabies vaccine can be given to a puppy or kitten at 16 weeks of age. This vaccine is considered effective for one year, after which the dog or cat can be given a multi-year rabies vaccine.

Is Rabies vaccine needed after previously vaccinated?

Typically, the rabies vaccine your vet gives to your cat/dog/other animal lasts one year the first time given, and the following rabies shot is usually for three years. Your vet probably sends out reminders to get pets vaccinated, but if your animal gets bitten by a raccoon/skunk/something known to have rabies, you can always take it in to get a booster shot to prevent any chance of your pet getting rabies.

How long does a rabies shot last?

it depends on the type of animal,for example u have to give a cat rabies shots every 3 years, dogs rabies shots every 5-7 years or lower.You have to take prophylactic vaccine for rabies on day 0, 7, 28 and 90 or on day 0, 28 and then on day 90. Booster doses are to be taken yearly.

What if your dog has a anti rabies vaccine a years ago is there a possibilities that your dog have a rabies?

Well, The it is a rare possibility but for that you need to get the dog vaccinated every year with anti rabies. Its like a booster for every year, so if you are maintaining the booster there will be a marginal percentage for rabies in the Dog and your Dog will be protected. Also along with anti rabies there are other vaccines which you need for your dogs related to may other diseases.

Your dog bit you a couple days after getting rabies shot can you get rabies from the bite?

How to prevent rabiesIt can't be said often enough: Vaccinate your dog. That's what has kept this horrible disease under control for decades in the U.S. and Canada (unlike South America, Asia, and Africa, where there were more than 35,000 human deaths from rabies just last year). Your pup should be vaccinated the first time at three or four months of age, and then get a yearly booster shot without fail.

How often do dogs have to get rabies shots in Nevada?

A rabies shot for dogs works in the same way that any vaccinations on a person would. When the vaccine is given it last a certain amount of time and then you need to be vaccinated again. When a dog is a puppy or if a dog is receiving their first rabies vaccination, they are given a one year does. This means that you need to give the dog the vaccine next year. However after that vets typically give dogs a injection the lasts three years.

Can eagles get rabies?

Rabies is passed by bodily fluid contact from an infected animal to another warm blooded animal. Any animal that is infected with Rabies could pass it on to your dog if it is bit or scratched. This is why it is so important to have your dog vaccinated against Rabies. You should get the first vaccine at 4 months of age then booster in one year, then every 3 years thereafter. Check with your Veterinarian about this too.

How did louis pasteur influence medicine?

Louis Pasteur found that vaccinations could prevent diseases. He found the vaccine for anthrax and for rabies, and the cure for childbed fever. His rabies vaccine methods were used for close to one hundred years, before another method was found in 1971. Pasteur is most remembered for his sterilization methods known as Pasteurisation, the process of heating foodstuffs in order to kill bacteria.

How long is it for Rabies vaccine to take effect?

For both people and animals, the typical incubation period for rabies is 1 to 3 months. In rare cases, the incubation period can last from several days to more than a year after exposure to the virus. After the symptoms of rabies appear, the disease is nearly always fatal. The virus damages the central nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord.

Can somebody have rabies four years after a little bite by a 3-month-old labrador dog?

Rabies is actually very rare. No one can have rabies after 4 years. I've never heard of a puppy ever giving someone rabies. To learn more about rabies go onto: TYPE IN: History of rabies

Can rabies transmitted by licking personal things of a person like toothbrush or spoon and that specific thing is going to be used by the person please answer?

Yes. Rabies can be transmitted by such means. So always get the pet dog vaccinated for rabies. In developing countries, where stray dogs are abundant around, government should give anti-rabies vaccine to all kids. It is recommended that vaccine should be given 6 months or 1 year onwards. First dose one day one next on day 28 and booster after one year. Then every five years. (Child do not walk till 12 months and mothers immunity wanes by six months.)