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It shouldn't be about to lay eggs. (I am assuming you have hermit crabs in a aquarium.) It has been proven that they need an ocean to lay eggs and therefore cannot lay eggs in captivity. Even in zoos they can't lay eggs.

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Q: When a hermit crab is about to lay eggs can you use hermit crab bathing salt water?
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Does a hermit crab lay eggs?

yes they lay their eggs in water

Are hermit crab young hatched?

yes hermit crabs lay eggs in water and then they will hatch

What do hermit crab eggs look like?

Hermit crab eggs look similar to some fish eggs. Thousands of eggs are laid along the left side of the female's abdomen. The female will carry them for about a month. The eggs will gradually turn gray. The female will go to the ocean and deposit the eggs into the water.

Where do hermit crab eggs hatch?

Hermit crab eggs are fertilized by the ocean and then washed up by the waves.

What is the behavior of a hermit crab?

Well it all depends on if you have a male hermit crab. And a female hermit crab. They will have the eggs in water. If you live by a ocean u need salt water. If you don't live by a ocean you need fresh water. Its not that easy because you will need to have a Little bit bigger water bowl so they can have the eggs in there. Well if you see your eggs... They Carrie them under there legs. Kinda like a kangaroo ...Well good luck If you have eggs

Will your hermit crab have babies in a cage?

Not successfully. Crabs lay their eggs in a large body of salt water (bay, sea). If you crab lays eggs in it's water dish, they will not hatch.

How deep does the water need to be for hermit crab eggs?

She will drop them in water of any depth but there is no way for the average hobbiest hermit crab keeper to keep them alive, so it's a bit of a moot point.

Why do land hermit crab need the ocean to mate and lay eggs?

so when the eggs hatch the baby hermit crabs know where to get the water so they can have it in their shells to breathe.

How big does a tank have to be for hermit crab eggs?

It should be a ten gallon tank and should have a bowl of water to lay the eggs in.

See a picture about a hermit crab in a egg please?

i cant find a picture of a hermit crab INSIDE a egg but i posted a picture of hermit crab mother with her eggs

What is the mating behavior of a hermit crab?

Well it all depends on if you have a male hermit crab. And a female hermit crab. They will have the eggs in water. If you live by a ocean u need salt water. If you don't live by a ocean you need fresh water. Its not that easy because you will need to have a Little bit bigger water bowl so they can have the eggs in there. Well if you see your eggs... They Carrie them under there legs. Kinda like a kangaroo ...Well good luck If you have eggs

Does the girl hermit crab need a boy hermit crab to have babies?

Not every animal or needs 2 to produce but it is very rare to find a hermit crab laying eggs, the best ways to get a baby Hermie is to find them at pet stores It is very rare for hermits crabs in captivity to lay eggs. You have VERY slim chances of getting eggs. and yes, you must have two genders to have babies. Hermit crabs lay eggs in salt water. Even if you did have salt water, they still wouldnt.