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If they were left in the will specifically to the taker (beneficiary), then it is not theft. If they were taken by someone else, then it is some form of fraud or theft depending upon the laws of the state in which the taking occurred.

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Q: When a house is in probate and some of items in the will have been taken is it theft?
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What happens if an Ex wife comes on the property and removes items from an estate while in probate?

She can be charged with theft and trespass.

What happens if your sister sell your parents stuff while the house is in probate?

If she is not the court appointed estate representative then her actions would constitute theft. She should be reported to the police immediately.

what happens when executor doesn't probate a will and takes the money?

It would be theft or fraud.

What laws address theft of all estate property in the estate home prior to inventory for probate?

Criminal laws of theft, civil laws of conversion. In any case, any property taken from the estate home prior to inventory must be accounted for before the estate can be settled.

Can a daughter take goods before probate is granted?

The daughter is not authorized to remove property before probate. They can be charged with theft and the executor has the right to demand its return.

What legal action can be taken against someone who threw away your belongings?

If they took it without permission; theft, if they had permission but not to throw the items away; vandalism. Sorry to hear about your stuff.

What does theft of a movable object mean?

The theft of a movable object is the theft of items such as cars, motorcycles and carts. They are assets not attached to the ground.

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Can someone sue for theft?

Yes, someone can sue for theft if they believe their property has been wrongfully taken. They may seek to recover the stolen items or seek monetary damages. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional to discuss the specifics of the situation and determine the best course of action.

Can you get a house on Grand Theft Auto 4?

no you can not buy a house

What is larceny known as in California?

Petty theft if the alleged stolen items total < $2000. Grand Theft for over. Petty Theft is a misdemeanor. Petty with a Prior is a felony. Grand Theft is a felony.

Moneys taken by Ponzi scheme is Theft?

It is a theft in a general sense. But it falls under it's own section of law.