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the answer is unclear if she is working then yes it does but if she isn't then no unless the child is desabled then you still get child support

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Q: When a man with minor children marries a woman who doesn not have children does that change his child support?
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If you have joint custody and one parent marries does the child support for the children stop?

No. The child support order remains in effect until it is modified by the court. Marriage by either parent does not normally affect child support.

Does child support stop when a child marries?

Normally, yes Check your laws.

When child marries does child support stop?

It does in Texas. Specify your state to get a more concrete answer.

In Oklahoma does child support end when a child marries?

Yes, marriage emancipates a minor.

Do a father still have to pay child support if he marries the childs mother?


What is the law in Texas about paying child support when entering a new marriage?

Nothing changes regarding child support orders whether it is the mother or the father who is remarrying. The child/children are the responsibility of the biological parents not a new spouse. For example if the mother marries someone of substantial means it would not affect the child support amount that was ordered to be paid by the biological father, as the mother's new spouse has no legal obligation to support the child/children.

Does the percentage of child support change if the kids are by different women?

In general, child support is a percentage of net income. When calculating support for younger children, support actually ordered and paid for older children is subtracted from net income.

Your daughter moves in with her father can he change the amount of child support he pays?

If that is the only child you share, then you will have to pay him child support. If there are two children, then you two will break even and no one will pay child support. If there are more than two children, then the amount of support will have to be re-calculated and he should pay you less.

If you never married the father of your child and he re-marries his ex-wife with whom he has a child does your child support change if he can no longer claim child support for that child?

No. Child support orders do not automatically change according to the obligated parent's circumstances. The parent receiving the support must file a new child support petition or a petition to have the exisiting order amended. The court decides if such action is warranted based on the change of circumstances. In the case cited it is unlikely the court would agree to amending the exisiting order, as the child of the marriage is still being supported by the father regardless of the way in which it is being done.

Do I still have to pay child support if the mom dies?

No, child support is established to Support the Child. There are usually clauses within a Divorce decree or Separation agreement that indicate when Child Support stops -- usually at eighteen, or if the chidl marries, or if the child dies.

Should a child support order change if your children's father is living with his ex wife and their 3 children and contributing to household costs while she is collecting child support for their kids?

That woman's child support order could be modified due to a substantial change in circumstances if it can be proven she is receiving financial help in an amount greater than what was outlined in the original support order.

Can the custodial parent stop child support because the father is helping with children?

The situation regarding child support MUST be revisited if the circumstances of the custodial parent change.