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Q: When a muscle contracts concentrically the antagonist contracts eccentrically?
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Give examples for concentric and eccentric muscle contractions in gait cycle?

while kicking a football, the Quadriceps muscle contracts concentrically to straighten the knee and the Hamstrings contract eccentrically to decelerate the motion of the lower limb.In concentric muscle contraction muscle length decreases along with contraction of the fibres while in eccentric muscle contraction the muscle length increases.Dr Santosh

What is the antagonist muscle when performing leg curl?

The triceps lengthens when the biceps contracts, making the triceps the antagonist.

What is recipricol innervation in human body?

Basically, as one muscle contracts, the antagonist relaxes

How do agonist and antagonist muscles work together at joints?

the agonist of the muscle is a motion that contracts the body to move in its opposition the antagonist is the muscle that causes movement of the posterior and anterior terms of the human body.

Which muscle concentrically accelerates dorsiflexion?

Anterior tibialis

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What muscle that counteracts the action of another muscle?

antagonist muscle

How does the skeletal and muscular systems work together to raise and lower the forearm?

The biceps and triceps muscles work synergistically; the biceps muscles contracting concentrically and the triceps muscles contracting eccentrically when the forearm lifts, and it's the exact reverse when the forearm lowers.

What is an antagonist muscle?

A antagonist muscle is a muscle that opposes the action of another muscle. The Triceps Brachii is the antagonist of the Biceps Brachii.

When you bend your elbow what is the triceps muscle acting as in relation acting as in relation to the biceps muscle?
