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Q: When a muscle tears what cells or tissues tear?
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Related questions

What happened if muscle cells are damaged?

You tear a muscle.

What is plural of tear?

The plural of tear is tears.

Why are adult cells important in tissues such as bone marrow?

Adult stem cells generate replacements for cells that are lost through normal wear and tear, injury, or disease

Is there an adjective for tear?


How do myosatellite cells heal muscle cells after an injury?

They work as a filler. Depending how large of an injury the muscle fiber took, myosatellite cells move to the tear and fill the gap. In short, it catalyzes the healing process.

What produces tears?

There are tear ducts in you eyes which produces tears.

How does the muscle tear inside the body?

When muscle fibers are overstretched they tear.

Tearing of muscle fiber is known as?

Rotator cuff tears are tears of one or more of the four tendons of the rotator cuffmuscles. A rotator cuff injury can include any type of irritation or damage to therotator cuff muscles or tendons.

Can stretching prevent muscles from micro-tears?

stretching cant prevent micro tears, but it can help in repairing them. for the bests results, do an aerobic activity first to get your blood flowing, then stretch to allow the blood to fill the micro tears. sourness is also caused by the swelling of the muscles caused by the micro tears. stretching also helps this.

What is the plural for tear?


What does Punjabi word hanju mean?

The Punjabi word "hanju" means tears or crying. It is often used to describe the act of shedding tears or being emotionally overwhelmed.

Which glands secrete tears?

tear glands