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It is called a Nitride Ion

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Q: When a nitrogen atom is converted into an ion what is the name of the ion?
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Is nitrogen an neutral atom or an ion?

Neutral atom. An atom of nitrogen will also be an isotope of nitrogen.

How can a nitrogen atom become an ion?

In a nitrogen atom's ground state, it has five atoms. The electron will have to gain three electrons to become stable.

What does many atom ion mean?

ion can be produced when atom lose or gain electron when it lose electron it's converted to cation(+) but when gained it's converted to anion(-)

A magnesium atom is converted to a magnesium ion when the atom?

Loses two electrons.

Is An atom of Nitrogen with 7 protons 7 neutrons and 8 electrons an ion isotope or average atom?

It would be an ion.

What is the Formal charge of nitrogen atom in ammonium ion?


What is the molecular geometry surrounding the nitrogen atom NH4 plus?

It is a tetrahedral structured ion, the central nitrogen atom is sp3 hybridized.

What elements are in magnesium nitride?

Nitride is an ion consisting of a single nitrogen atom with a 3- charge. This must be balanced by a positive ion, usually a metal ion. What metal it is can vary.

How do anion of nitrogen forms?

A nitrogen anion forms when a nitrogen atom gains three electrons, forming a nitride ion, N3-.

What is an amidium ion?

An amidium ion is any cation formed by the addition of a proton to the nitrogen or oxygen atom of an amide or derivative.

Is bromine a atom or ion?

"Bromine" is the name of an atom or an element. The corresponding ion is named "bromide".

How many neutrons are in a nitrogen ion?

N-14 is the most common isotope of nitrogen atom and it has 7 protons, 7 neutrons