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Q: When a onion cell is stained with iodine which organelles are you not able to see under a compound light microscope?
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What organelles can absorb iodine stain and be seen with the low power of a compound light microscope?


What structure in the cheek cells was stained the darkest?

When stained with iodine and observed under a compound microscope the nucleus will stain the darkest. The cheek cell is frequently employed here as they are simple to collect and tend to take the stain easily.

What organelles become more visible after being stained with iodine?

Iodine stains starch blue. You will be able to see the plastids where the starch is stored in the cytoplasm.

What structures of a potato cell are stained by iodine?

the structures that are stained with the iodine are bean shaped organelles called leucoplasts.

Which diagram represent a cell organelle that can absorb iodine stain and then be seen with the low power of compound light microscope?

a nucleus'

What is the name for the compound IF 7?

The name of this compound is iodine heptafluoride.

What is the colour of the nucleus that is stained with iodine?


What turns blue black when stained with iodine?

Starches turn blue-black when stained with iodine (which usually stains things a reddish-brown or amber color).Iodine turns blue black when starch is present

Are there cellular structures other than amyloplasts stained intensely by iodine?

Yes epithelial cells are stained

What is iodine used to see when using a microscope?

Iodine can be used to identify starch.

What kind of atoms make up the compound iodine?

Iodine is not a compound. It is an element. Therefore, it has its own atoms: Iodine atoms.

Is iodine an element or a compound?

iodine is element 53