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NO. You should visit the court that made the appointment of the guardian, notify it of the death of the legal guardian and inquire about your next step. You should take a copy of the death certificate with you.

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Q: When a parent appoints a guardian and he died does custody go back to the parent?
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Generally, only under circumstances in which there is clear evidence that the child is in an unsafe environment, and has been reported as such. And in that case the parent must file for an emergency order with the court of jurisdiction. It will be followed up by a full hearing within a couple of weeks.

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For the grandparents to get the custody over the parent, they have to go through a court case and prove to their case to have custody.

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This seems extremely unlikely.

How do you get custody of kids after giving aunt permanent custody?

Prove to the court that you are a more fit parent. Or have her give them back if she is willing. Other than that you are not getting them back.

When someone else has guardianship of a child what does the parent have to do to get the child back?

Since you haven't included any details the following is general information. The parent needs to rectify the circumstances that resulted in their losing custody in the first place if custody was taken away by a court. If the parent voluntarily consented to the change in custody they can petition the same court to end that guardianship and restore custody in the parent.Since you haven't included any details the following is general information. The parent needs to rectify the circumstances that resulted in their losing custody in the first place if custody was taken away by a court. If the parent voluntarily consented to the change in custody they can petition the same court to end that guardianship and restore custody in the parent.Since you haven't included any details the following is general information. The parent needs to rectify the circumstances that resulted in their losing custody in the first place if custody was taken away by a court. If the parent voluntarily consented to the change in custody they can petition the same court to end that guardianship and restore custody in the parent.Since you haven't included any details the following is general information. The parent needs to rectify the circumstances that resulted in their losing custody in the first place if custody was taken away by a court. If the parent voluntarily consented to the change in custody they can petition the same court to end that guardianship and restore custody in the parent.

How old does a child have to to leave legal guardian to go back to be with there biological parent?

He has to be 18.

Can a biological parent adopt their own child?

The answer depends on the details. It depends on the reason for the guardianship. If the child was removed from the parent's custody and placed with a guardian the parent may or may not be able to regain custody. If the parent's parental rights were terminated they cannot get legal custody of the child back. If the parent consented to a temporary guardianship and the parent is now better able to care for the child the guardianship can be terminated and custody restored to the parent. It would not be necessary for the parent to adopt the child.

Joint Physical Custody-How do you prepare for a custody challenge?

When sharing custody with a parent, it is important to prepare for challenges. A person needs to have back up babysitters, and a workplace that is understanding of the challenges set before them.

What do you do if you have submitted your AIEEE form without having it signed by your guardian?

You will not be able to submit it or it will come back to you and you must get it signed by a parent or guardian if you are not 18 years of age.

Can a parent who has primary custody move with their children to another state if so what is the primary custodial parents responibility to the non custodial parent?

In some states, if the custodial parent moves more than 65 miles "as the crow flies" from the original address at the time of the custody agreement and does not get written permission to do so from the non-custodial parent, the court can (and sometimes will) remove the child and place him/her with the non-custodial parent. At that time the non-custodial parent will be given full custody of the child and even if the first parent moves back, they probably will not regain custody again.

If you lose custody of a child can you get them back after 10 years?

As in taking the child away from the other parent? Perhaps

Divorce with child custody when spouse lives abroad?

A divorce with the custody of a child involved can get very tricky when one parent lives abroad. It is almost impossible to force the absent parent to pay child support, and if the parent takes the child to some countries it may be impossible for the US parent to get the child back,