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Q: When a person is startled or sees a pleasurable object the pupils of the eye may dilate What division of the ANS is involved in this reaction Describe the nerve pathway involved?
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What do Chemical equations show or describe?

Chemical equations show the reactants involved in a chemical reaction, the products formed, and the stoichiometry or proportions in which they react. They provide a concise way to represent what happens in a chemical reaction.

What do chemical equations describe?

Chemical equations describe the chemical reactions that occur between reactants to form products. They show the substances involved in the reaction and the ratio in which they combine.

What is a statement that uses chemical formulas to describe the identities and relative amounts of the reactants and products involved in the chemical reaction?

A properly balanced chemical equation.

What body systems are involved in reaction to a stimulus?

Fundamentally the system involved in a reaction to a stimuli is the nervous system.

Chemical reaction involved in the preparation of thiazin from chalcone?

Synthesis is the chemical reaction that is involved in the preparation of the Thiazin from Chalcone.

What kind of reaction is involved in the formation of a polymer?

Hydrolysis Reaction

What does H of a reaction represent?

It represents the heat involved in a reaction.

The information not provided by a chemical equation?

A chemical equation does not provide information about the physical state of the substances (solid, liquid, gas, or aqueous) involved in the reaction, the reaction conditions (temperature, pressure, catalyst), the rate of the reaction, the mechanism of the reaction, or any side reactions that may occur. This additional information is often necessary to fully understand and describe a chemical reaction.

Which unit is the best to describe the tempo of the reaction?

The unit which is best to describe the temp of the reaction is time. It correlates directly with how the reaction occurs in real time as events unfold.

When would pressure affect the reaction rate?

if gases are involved in the reaction.

What is chemical equation is a symblic representation of a?

A chemical equation is a symbolic representation of a chemical reaction, showing the reactants and products involved in the reaction and the stoichiometry of the reaction. It provides information about the type and amount of substances involved in the reaction.

How many reactions are involved in photosynthesis?

there are 18 kinds of reaction that are involved in photosynthesis