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Q: When a ray of light from air enters to glass what happens to velocity?
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When a ray of light from air enters to glass what happens to wavelength?

It will not change. Glass slows light but does not change it frequency.

What happens to some of the light before entering a glass block?

When light enters a glass block, it undergoes reflection and refraction. However at the glass air interface, refraction occurs to a larger extent than refraction and hence some of the light is reflected while the rest of it enters the glass block.

Does a light ray bend if it enters a glass block perpendicularly?

No, a light ray does not bend if it enters a glass block perpendicularly.

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What happens to the wavelength of light when a ray of light enters a glass slab from air?

when the light enters into another medium, its speed changes. Hence there will be the change in the wavelength. Speed = frequency times wavelength Since the speed of light is less is glass compare to the air, its wave length will be less in glass.

What is the velocity change when the ray of light passes from air to glass?

When a photon goes say from air to water, it slows down according to; n=c/v where n is refractive index of water c is velocity of light in air v is velocity of light in water It is stated that the frequency of the photon doesn't change when the photon enters the water. Only the wavelength changes.

What happens to both pupils when light enters?

Pupils "constrict" when light enters, and "dilate "when the lighting dims

Is velocity of light constant?

Yes according to most theories the velocity of light in a vacuum is constant. (In water and glass it is slower!)

What happens when light passes through something?

The velocity of light is greatest when travelling through a vacuum. When travelling through something else, a glass material say, then its velocity is slower. The refractive index is the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in that substance. For example light travels in a vacuum about 1.3 times as fast as in water, so we say water has a refractive index of 1.3. And it is likely that the velocity in the glass will be different at different wavelengths of light.

Why light enters water does it speed up or slow down?

Slows IF it enters the water from air (and not - say - glass).

When can light bend?

Light could bend when it enters a prism. A prism is a transparent object such as glass.

What are the variables when light is spread through a glass block?

velocity of light, amplitude , frequency etc