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A sea breeze can occur at nearly any temperature. It is caused when the land is warmer than the sea, causing air to rise above the land and cause a low pressure zone over the land that is filled from cooler air from the sea.

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Q: When a sea breeze occurs what temperature is it at?
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Related questions

What kind of breeze occurs along coasts during the day?

sea breeze

How do you compare sea breezes and land breezes?

Sea breezes come from land and over the water, and happen in daytime. Land breezes come from water and over the land, and happen at night.

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What occurs along the coast during the day?

sea breeze

Compare the conditions that cause a sea breeze with those tht cause a land breeze?

a sea breeze is caused by the sea winds and occurs at the night, while land breezes are during the day and are from land:) lol.

What is the differences between land breeze and sea breeze?

A "land breeze" results from a greater decrease in the temperature of the land (as at night), so that it flows seaward, where the air has stayed relatively warmer. A "sea breeze" is created by increased warming of the land (as on sunny days), and the rising warmer air draws in air from the sea (which does not increase as much in temperature).

When does sea breeze occur?

A sea breeze occurs when a tidal wave comes up and then back down and then that wave goes up onto the shore.Any time.

At what time of the day does a sea breeze happen?

A sea breeze happens during the day because the hotter air from the land rises when the cooler air from the sea slips underneath and forms a sea breeze. Then at night the opposite happens which is called a land breeze. The land is cooler than the ocean making the warmer ocean air rise up the allow the cool land air underneath and this creates what is called a land breeze. :)

What is always true when there's a sea breeze?

when the ocean is colder than the land One thing that is true when there is a sea breeze is there is uneven land temperature.

What is the difference between a land breeze a sea breeze?

A "land breeze" results from a greater decrease in the temperature of the land (as at night), so that it flows seaward, where the air has stayed relatively warmer. A "sea breeze" is created by increased warming of the land (as on sunny days), and the rising warmer air draws in air from the sea (which does not increase as much in temperature).

What is the differences between a land breeze and a sea breeze?

A "land breeze" results from a greater decrease in the temperature of the land (as at night), so that it flows seaward, where the air has stayed relatively warmer. A "sea breeze" is created by increased warming of the land (as on sunny days), and the rising warmer air draws in air from the sea (which does not increase as much in temperature).

Is the sea colder at night?

No, that's why there's land breeze at night, and sea breeze during the day. Sea breeze occurs during the day so it means it's colder than the land during the day. Hope you understand! :D