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Q: When a soldier exhibits signs?
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When a soldier exhibits signs of substance abuse what are the strategies and interventions that are most useful?

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When a soldier exhibits signs of substance the following strategies and interventions would be useful except?

If a soldier exhibits signs of substance abuse, the soldier should be reported to an authority figure for treatment. There are specific treatment programs for each branch of the military.

When a soldier exhibits signs of abuse the following strategies and interventions would be useful EXCEPT?

A soldier who exhibits signs of substance abuse would have to enter a the Army's substance abuse program. He will get a treatment plan, counseling and a sponsor.

When a soldier exhibits signs of substance abuse the following would be useful except?


When soldiers exhibits signs of substance abuse the following strategies and interventions would be useful except?

A soldier who exhibits signs of substance abuse would have to enter a the Army's substance abuse program. He will get a treatment plan, counseling and a sponsor.

When strategies and interventions would be useful when a soldier exhibits signs of substance abuse except?

When a soldier begins to show signs of substance abuse it is best to remove them from duties and get them help. A person who can't be sober can not be trusted in the field to make sound choices.

Is exhibits a plural word?

Yes, it can be. It is the plural of 'exhibit'. It can also be a verb as in "The patient exhibits signs of dehydration".

When a soldier exhibits sign of substance abuse the following strategies would be useful?


When a Soldier exhibits signs of substances abuse the following strategies and interventions would be useful except?

To know which of the strategies and interventions would be useful it would be helpful to know what the strategies are. Without knowing this it is hard to say which one would be the most useful.

When a soldier shows signs of substance abuse what strategies and interventions would be useful?

This would depend entirely on your relationship with the soldier. If you are in the soldier's chain of command, you could start by asking if everything is all right in their home life. Signs of substance abuse could just be stress. You could check with his or her squad and anyone else they spend time with. You could administer a drug test if necessary, and follow procedures from there. If you are family, you could try asking outright. If the response is negative but you still have concerns, you could stage an intervention. If they are taking drugs, any actions could be perceived as a threat, so it is best to approach it in a caring manner.

You should call 911 if a person exhibits what signs of alcohole poisoning?

Get the person to emergency room right away.

What is the observable charateristic of an organism?

An organism is a carbon based life form which is organic and exhibits signs of life.