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Chemical reaction

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Q: When a substance change from one physical form to another you say the substance has had an?
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Is a change that alters the form of a substance without changing it into another substance is called what?

This is called a physical change.

When a substance changes from one physical form to another you say the substance has had a what?

A phase change.

What is a change that alters the form or appearance of a substance but does not make it into other substance?

It is considered a physical change. A chemical change involves chemical reactions that change the substance into another substance. A physical change typically only modifies the form or phase.

How do you recognize a physical change?

It is the same substance but looks different.Example: Ice cubes that melt. Is a physical change.If you have a change but it is still the same substance just another form such as an ice cube melting it is still H2o just in liquid form also change in color matter or shape are examples of physical change remember with a physical change you can always change it back to the original substance

When a substance changes form but it remains the same substance is it a physical or chemical change?

it would be physical change because physical change is when the substance stays the same

When a substance changes form but it remains the same substance is it a chemical or physical change?

it would be physical change because physical change is when the substance stays the same

Is it a physical or chemical change when a substance changes form but it remains the same substance?

it would be physical change because physical change is when the substance stays the same

What can indicate a physical or chemical change?

physical=A physical change does not produce a new substance. chemical= A chemical change produces a new substance. u now have the answer........

Is state is physical or chemical?

A physical state is physical and not chemical Physical Property is observed without changing a substance into another substance. Chemical property is the ability of a substance to change into different substance.

When a substance changes into a different substance a blank change has occurred?

If form changes but identity doesn't change then it is a physical change.

What are signs a physical change has occured?

change in the form -in general can be indicated for the physical form. The substance may dissolve or its stage may change. If the change is physical, it should be reversable.

What is a change in the form but not nature of the substance bonds are not broken?

This is a physical change.