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coz shes a fattyy

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Q: When a woman gets her period twice a month is she supposed to have belly pains?
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White jelly discharge and period pains in belly?

The white jelly discharge is just your body cleaning itself and the period pains is just the flow moving through your body

What are hunger pains?

Hunger pains are pains you get in your belly. They sometimes feel like cramps or someone pushing or pulling on your belly. It's your body telling you it needs food.

Brown spotting with pains in belly button?

Brown spotting with pains in your belly button can be caused by many things. You could have internal bleeding or cancer for example.

No period but have the pains?

A lot of Females do get that, it is usually just a sign that your period is on the way, its like practise pain, before the up-coming event. I've had they pains before but my period hasn't came yet this month. Its perfectly normal, just stay in bed and relax.

You haven't had my period in over a month and I'm having abdominal pains that feels like bloating Are you pregnant?

Take a test

Is it normal for a girl to have belly pains after sex for the first time?

If you're using the term "belly pains" I'm guessing you're too young to have sex in the first place.

Is it normal to have period pains when your not on your period?


Do all women have pains during their period?

No, not every women has pains during their period,but most do.

You have got period pains on the first day of your missed period as you are trying to get pregnant why is that?

Its totally normal i have had the implant and haven't had a period for two and a half years but every month i get the cramps, bloating and other symptoms

Are period pains and pregnancy pains the same?

Contractions feel like period pains on a whole new level. Imagine your worst period pain ever times at least 5. That's what labor pains feel like.

Period Pains but no period blood?


If you cant lay down on your stomach cause it really hurts and since last month your period came but for three days same thing this month what could be the cause of that?

Period pains are not uncommon. One cause is contractions in the uterus. The best thing to do is see a doctor or pharmacist because some pain relief is possible but not always with conventional analgesics (pain killers). Be thankful though your pains are lasting only three days. Some women can experience period pains for two weeks.